Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 2: A New Task and A Walk

The completion of steps one and two in the Quest to Replace my Microwave has brought with it unforeseen consequences.  A shining light, but not one I wanted.  It comes on whenever I open the door to my microwave.

My old microwave had a light, but it only came on while you were cooking something (and sometimes not even then).  As such, I have developed the bad habit of simply leaving the microwave door open when it's not in use.  Do the lights in microwaves go out if they stay on too long?  I don't know, and I don't want to find out.  But I keep leaving the door open!

Fortunately, I have structured the rules of my game in such a way that I am able to evolve it to help with this problem.  By recognizing behaviors I need to work on, and adding rules to incentivize those behaviors, I earn 5 points in the Misc stat.  My new rule?  Every time I remember to close the door of the microwave I score 1 point in the Personal Aesthetic stat.  Let's hope that's a problem solved.

Exercise today is crazy good, and adding that element of competition to beat my previous high score really kicks it up a notch.

Not only do I score 324, beating yesterday's 307, I get that score in a shorter amount of time.  If that's not improvement, I don't know what it is.  Though I'm pretty soaked in sweat by the time I'm done.

Later on I go for a walk (10 points base score, plus 4 points for every fifteen minutes spent on the walk).  There are two lakes very close to my apartment.  One is Boomer lake, it has a paved path which circles around the lake.  I go to the other, lake Sanburn, it was raining earlier, and all the paths look like this...

Despite the occasional muddy spots (and overly excited bug population) I enjoy my walk (34 points), and I take lots of pictures (10 points).

I try to devote the rest of the day to writing, but find myself too easily distracted.  I get some done (I count it at 5 points worth), but not near as much as I would like.

Below is my Picture of the Day.

I take it right at the start of my walk, and as soon as the image shows up in the preview, I know it's the one.  I love the semi-baren tree in the center, the sky and greenery are wonderful.  But my personal favorite touch is the little tendril of smoke from my cigarette, which drifts in front of the lens at the perfect moment.  A very fortunate accident.

My score today 114 points.  Not a high score, but, I suppose they can't all be.