I beat my previous high score on exercise again today.
I only beat it by three points this time, granted, but a win is a win, and it's just nice to be pressing myself. Not only that, but after two more days, I will have completed the quest Begin an Exercise Routine.
I feel pretty beat afterwards, and let myself laze around for a while, but after that it's on to the very beginning of a much bigger quest. Get a Job, a quest in the Misc stat with a final objective set at 250 points, is a big one. Along the way I earn 75 points for the first application I submit, and 50 for each after that. Mostly because it's a process I genuinely hate. Each interview I score is worth 100 points. There is a lot of opportunity here. Today I just submit my first application.
I spend the rest of the day at my parent's house doing laundry. While I'm there I have time to think about my graphic novel. It's been at the front of my mind since I started playing this game, and while I haven't gotten much work done yet, I feel like I'm right on the verge of it. The constant brainstorming has allowed some big story components, components I have really had a difficult time figuring out, fall into place.
I would like to take a moment as well to point out that my kitchen, which I cleaned five days ago, is still immaculate (at least by my standards).
Usually by now the sink would be full of partially washed dishes, and the counter covered with dishes that I didn't have room to partially wash in the sink. I give myself a point every time I rinse a dish off and place it in the dishwasher as soon as I'm done eating out of it. As you can hopefully see, it's paying off. It's nice to have a clean kitchen.
It has been raining today. The pill bugs, as I read recently, are not bugs at all. They are actually crustaceans, and while they can't survive underwater, they do like it when it's wet out. As such, I have seen a lot less pill bug traffic in my apartment today. Only seven, as compared to yesterday's forty-eight pill bugs.
I instituted the jar today as a way of dealing with the overwhelming numbers I had yesterday. There were so many that all too often I would find four or five at once, pick them up to take outside, and as soon as I was back inside I would spot two or three more. Needless to say, that was frustrating. With the jar, I can simply take them out at the end of the day.
Today's Picture of the Day is not my best.
It is taken on the way to my parent's house. It's barely drizzling out, and unfortunately my camera dies shortly after taking this picture, preventing me from catching some of the more incredible elements of the storm as the day goes by. Perhaps I shall have to start carrying batteries with me to avoid something like this happening again.
Final score for the day: 130 points.